Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Zynga Slots - Guide to the Round Leaderboard

How does the Round Leaderboard work? What does it take to be Round Leader? 


There can only be 1 round leader and getting there is completely by chance! To be the round leader you’ll need to get the most multipliers for that round. If you’re not sure what multipliers are, it’s the amount based on the number of images you get on the reel. You can find out the amount of each image by selecting the pay table in each room. 

What you’re seeing is a listing of all the possible images you’ll see in that room. The set of numbers listed next to each image is the possible number of the image on a line and the second number is the multiplier. So if I were to get 3 red macaws in a line I would get a 26 multiplier

Your placement on the leaderboard will be the sum of all your multipliers versus the sum of each of the other player’s multipliers in the room. 
Keep in mind that the multiplier that your going to receive is dictated by the image on the far left. Lines that are missing the image on the far left reel are not counted as a line.

90th place in a room with 10 people? There’s a good reason for that! You can enter or leave a room at any time. Once you’ve entered a room all multipliers you receive while playing in that room are collected and compared to anyone else who’s also played in the room for the duration of that round. So when your seeing such a low placement it means there have been 90 players that have come in and played from the beginning of that round to battling the boss.

Your Elite Slots Team. 

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