Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Alliances! FAQ


Soldiers- we're ready to introduce you the coolest feature yet....... ALLIANCES!

User-added image

For the first time ever, we're giving you the chance to team up with your
friends and help each other in battles! 

Here's a guide, on how the feature will work:

This great new feature allows you to:

- Form Alliances with your friends, to fight global opponents and win medals and
  powerful units.
- This feature allows neighbors to team up into Alliances of up to 10 players.
- Alliances will be able to fight other teams through the World Domination Mode.

Where can i find this feature?

You can get started on forming your new Alliance, by clicking on the icon
that appears to the left of your neighbor bar.

User-added image

How do you go about this?

Alliances will let you team up with your friends and help them in battle. You can begin your journey by becoming an Alliance leader! 

Should you choose not to, you can opt to join your neighbor’s Alliance instead. You can join your friends’ Alliances for free. 

How do I become a leader?

To lead an Alliance of your own, you have to prove you have what it takes! Show everyone that you possess the three key aspects of what it takes to be a powerful leader :

  • Wealth: Leading an Alliance is an expensive affair. You must prove you can support one.
  • Power: Only the most powerful can be Alliance leaders. Don’t be afraid to get brutal in the field.
  • Connections:Who you know matters. Prove you have the right connections to make your Alliance the strongest.

User-added image

You need to complete all three of these individual quests to create an Alliance.

What can a leader do?

The leader gets privileges that regular members do not receive.
The leader decides:

  • The name of the Alliance
  • The crest (symbol ) that represents your alliance in battle
  • Choice to remove members out of the Alliance


Crests are shields that represent your Alliance, so that your neighbors and you can identity them anywhere. The leader of the Alliance may choose his Alliance crest from the following options:

User-added image

Note: you can choose to change your crest at any point by clicking the edit button found in your Alliance profile pop up. 

What's next?
Once you have formed an Alliance or joined one, you may start inviting your neighbors and friends to join your Alliance. If you have enough neighbors, you can go to the World Parliament and find more players to join you.

Rules of Battle:

Once you have formed your Alliance, you will have access to exclusive new Alliance battles! Here, you can challenge and take on other Alliances, to prove to who is best. 

Defense:The combined strength of every alliance members defense force, will become your Alliance's defense force i.e. if somebody were to attack your Alliance they would have to face off against all your allies.

Attack: When you attack an alliance, you will have to defeat all of members of the opposing Alliance. After you defeat each member, you will win a dominance point bonus and damage the opposing Alliances health. If you manage to defeat the whole Alliance (every member), you will win a big domination point reward!!

Health: Every time you are defeated in battle, you lose health. So keep an eye out for your weak spot. If your Alliance has more health than anyone else in World domination, before world domination mode refreshes (look out for the timer in the game), your entire Alliance will win a crown and a HUGE domination point prize!
**With all of these domination points that you accumulate, you will be able to unlock powerful new units, faster than ever before (and permanently)**

Allies: your Allies will be able to give your power ups during an Alliance battle, so that you will be fighting alone. You can ask for power ups by selecting who you would like help from. 

Rivals: any Alliances that have attacked you will appear on your 'rivals list' on world domination mode. This will allow you to battle other Alliances one on one!

How to get ‘Crown’ in alliances? How to get alliance health? How to Abandon/ Leave an Alliance? 

How to get ‘Crown’ in alliances

1. To get a Crown, your alliance must have the highest health out of all the alliances seen in the list in World Domination -> Alliances tab when the timer expires.
Case 1:

In the above images My alliance ‘Ninja Alliance’ has thousand health points which is greater than the alliance second in the list ‘Geoff Alliance’.
I will only receive the ‘Crown’ if my alliance can maintain a higher health out of all the alliance in the list when the timer showing ‘1:11:16:33’ expires.
When the timer expires the List refreshes

And I get the pop-up saying my alliance has won a ‘Crown’

2. Your alliance is always shown first in the list, but in order to get a ‘Crown’ your alliance health must be higher than the health of the alliance 2nd in the list( The list is always sorted in Decreasing health, Except for your alliance)

Case 2:

In the above screenshot my alliance ‘Ninja Alliance’ has a lower health that the 2nd alliance ‘Geoff Alliance’ therefore if my alliance still has a lower health than the other alliance in the list when the timer expires then I won’t receive  a ‘Crown’.

How to get alliance health

 1. Win alliance battles
10 Health points are added if you win 1 wave in alliance battle. ( Defeating a 5 member alliance = 10 X 5 ie, 50 health points will be added to your overall alliance strength)

2. Winning a ‘Crown’ adds a certain percentage of health to your alliances total health (the percentage of health varies from alliance to alliance) 

2. You can always restore complete health by purchasing Health points using ‘Empire Points’ from the Alliances UI and from Alliances tab in World Domination window. The buy button is placed adjacent to the health bar

How to Abandon/ Leave an Alliance
An alliance member or leader can leave an Alliance by clicking on the abandon button in Alliance UI.

Please leave your CONSTRUCTIVE feedback in this thread:


Note that this is for feedback, NOT bug reports—bug reports should go in our new Bug Reporting Forum!

Get to it, soldiers! DISMISSED!

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