Saturday, February 23, 2013

Orchards Now Expandable With Parts!

We’re pleased to announce that you can now expand your regular Orchards into Super Orchards with parts from your friends!
When you visit your Farm, you’ll see a bubble hovering over your existing Orchards. Click on it to see the requirements to expand.
What Do I Need to Expand?
To expand your existing Orchards, you’ll need 10 of each of these parts:
You can get all parts by sending requests directly to your friends or purchasing them for 1 FC each.
Once you have enough of each part, you can expand your Orchard’s tree capacity by 10 trees. Once your Orchard reaches a capacity of 40, it becomes a Super Orchard.

Super Orchards 
Super Orchards are different from regular Orchards in that you can harvest them in 1 day instead of 2. These have been available for a while to purchase for Farm Cash, but this is the first time you’ve been able to gather parts to build one.
You can see the differences between the two Orchards below:
What If I Already Bought a Super Orchard?
If you previously purchased a Super Orchard, don’t worry—you’ll get to keep it, and we’ve given you an exclusive Golden Egg Tree as a way of saying thanks! You can find it in your Gift Box. 
 We hope you enjoy this update to the Orchards you already love! Happy Farming!


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