Friday, March 23, 2012

Details on Gift Box improvements

Howdy, farmers!

We're excited to announce a new improvement to your gift box. We've heard you loud and clear about the fact that your gift box can become cluttered or overloaded with gifts or items gathered in Farmville, either from your steadfast farming abilities or many helpful, eager friends. We'd like you to continue to gather these items without the possibility of your gift box completely filling up.

Soon, you may notice a message when you access your gift box that says:

Coming Soon: Quest items will be used automatically, saving gift box space!

This means that items required to complete quests will no longer appear in your gift box. Instead you will automatically receive credit for these items as you claim them from feeds or receive them from friends. If the items have any coin value, you will receive this automatically when you load FarmVille.

Quest items currently in your Gift Box will be removed as the roll out progresses. In addition, you will receive a free gift of 20,000 coins to account for any coin value those items may have.

This will give everyone extra space, and you will no longer have to wonder whether or not you still need those quest items clogging up your gift box!

Worried about losing items for repeatable quests? Worried that the game won't let you collect items through friends feeds for upcoming quests? Then fear not! FarmVille will keep record of the items you've collected until that questline expires. That means items will be carried over to credit repeatable quests and items gathered in advance will be credited once players reach the appropriate quest.

So, if you open your gift box and think that you've lost many items, fear not. They're taken care of.

Thank you for all of your feedback that made this feature possible, and happy farming!

FarmVille Player Support

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