Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pioneer Trail - Kitten Leash Problems

Howdy, Pardners!

Our newest visitors to the homestead, those adorable kittens, got into the 1s and 0s that make everything work, and caused a bit of a problem with getting those requests for Kitten Leashes to go out properly. So for awhile there, none of the requests for those leashes were actually getting out.

We got those rascals out of the inner workin's of the Homestead, and your next feed posts for Kitten Leashes should go through without a problem. Those requests are still subject to a delay, so you'll have to wait a bit before tryin' again. But those next requests will work! So we ask that you remain patient for those next requests.

Did the kittens get into your game too? Let us know via "Please Fix!".
How does vote to click work? By clicking "Please Fix!", this tracks the number of players that have been affected by the particular issue. Daily and weekly reports are sent to the Game studio with the number of the players that clicked on the button, specific to the issue. If you do not need an answer from Customer Support, we recommend you click "Please Fix!" as an alternative to contacting us. 
Want this issue fixed?
Vote to let us know!
Please fix!

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