Friday, November 2, 2012

Walkthrough: Quests

Once you have seen some of the basics, you will be launched into your first quest line with Governor Maxley. This will familiarize you a bit with how questing works and will help you navigate the quests in the game. Let us point out some important things to get you started.
First, you'll be able to look at newly acquired quests and their tasks (these are steps you must take to complete each quest) by clicking the quest icon that pops up on the left side of the screen.
Clicking this icon brings up a screen which shows you the character offering the quest, the quest name, and some tasks to perform to complete the quest.
TIP: If you are confused by a task, hover over the “?” icon on the right of the quest pane to see a hint about what to do to complete that particular task.
If you need a bit more clarification, click the “Show Me” tip near the quest icon, and on the screen you'll see some helpful yellow arrows direct you to the objects you should interact with to complete that particular task for the quest.
After completing a quest, you may automatically trigger the next quest quest in a line, or even see a small cutscene where some of the main characters converse as the storyline unravels. Occasionally, quests may be triggered by achieving a certain goal, such as a Population Milestone or a new Level.
As you progress further in CityVille 2, you may notice you have collected an abundance of quests. So many quests, so little time! But, fear not neighbor, we have provided you an easy way to manage all these quests, and it is conveniently named the Quest Manager!
As quests are added to your list, look on the left-hand side of your screen and you'll see some new icons available to you now. Now, at the bottom or top of your quest list, there'll be arrows available for you to click to scroll through the list of quests, as well as the added Quest Manager icon.

Click the Quest Manager icon, which looks like a small notebook and pencil, to open the Quest Manager.
Here, all the Active Quests you have obtained display under the “Active” tab. There are three tabs to sort your Quests by: “New,” “Active,” and “Paused.” We'll take a moment to explain what these mean to you.
The Quest Manager should default to the “Active” tab as we mentioned, and this shows the quests you currently have Active and the ones that are displayed on-screen. If you click the “New” tab, you'll find your most recently triggered quests sorted on this screen. When you are viewing Quests on the “New” or “Active” tabs, you may notice two different buttons at the bottom of each quest: “View” or “Pause.”
Click the “View” button to view the details of a quest’s tasks.

If you ever feel there are far too many Active quests cluttering up the left-hand side of your game screen, clickthe “Pause” button in the Quest Manager to Pause those quests temporarily, which removes them from that side of the screen until you activate them again.
You can also Search and sort quests by using the “Search” box in the upper right-hand corner of the Quest Manager, or the drop-down “Sort” box, too!

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