Monday, April 13, 2015

FarmVille 2 - FAQ: The Farmer's Market Co-Op Event

Here are some frequently asked questions about The Farmer's Market Co-Op Event: 
How can I participate in this new event? 

You need to be at least level 10 and should have a Co-Op group. You would also need to download the new content so that the event will show up on your farm. 

> What is this Co-Op challenge about? 

This is unlike any other event we had before. All Co-Op members have one objective and that is to reach your Co-Op Goal. Each item you sell will have a corresponding points which will add to the team's total points. 

> What are Co-Op Challenges? 

Each Co-op is given 7 short challenges or goals. Completion of each goal depends on total event points collected from a co-op as a whole. Challenges can vary on where and what you need to craft. 

> How can I help my Co-Op? 

You contribute by collecting event points, just like in the leader board event. The more items you sell the higher the points your group will receive. 

> How can I get a reward? 

Get rewards by completing co-op challenges. You need to complete at least 4 of the challenges to receive the Mega Prize. 

> Can I still participate in the event and contribute even though I'm playing offline? 

You can still craft any event related items while offline. However, you cannot contribute towards your Co-Op's progress. 

> What will happen if I leave my Co-op? 

Your points will not count towards your newly joined Co-Op. Your contributed points will stay in your previous Co-Op. 

> My event time says I have several hours to wait for next phase and I haven't even started first one. What happened?

The reason for this is, your other Co-Op members have already finished that part of the challenge. You may have to wait for the next one in order to participate

> Will there be new event items to collect for every challenges?

Each round has a signature ingredient that you would need to craft. This means that on the next round, you will get a different dish to craft.

Your Farmville 2: Country Escape Support Team

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