A once peaceful village descends into chaos. A once powerful Princess ambushed by the Evil Shogun’s minions. A once fearsome Dojo…has lost its Mojo.
Today Zynga launches its newest action strategy game, Dojo Mojo, to global audiences on Facebook. Dojo Mojo takes a new twist on this popular category by introducing players to a brand new way to battle with their friends. Players will deploy troops and destroy neighboring villages in action packed battles to steal back the Princess’ family treasure. Stealth Ninjas, controllable Beasts, coastal attacks, On Fire mode and shared troops are just a few of the new features to look forward to:
- Deploy and Destroy: Deploy and control troops in real-time! Players summon the Oni – an all-powerful Beast – that they control in battle. Troops also include special abilities, such as stealth Ninjas that go undetected until each point of attack. Players can also attack from sea and air by launching Mortars from Ships or sending in Choppers for extra damage. Dojo Mojo’s game engine runs at a solid 60 frames per second, allowing for breathtaking battle sequences and over-the-top action. Deploy hundreds of Troops on screen at the same time and watch as buildings explode with thousands of particles (and a few bodies).
- Protect and Pillage: Seek vengeance on invading enemies! Winning three consecutive battles activates On Fire mode and gives your attacks an extra boost. Recover stolen treasures in battle to receive special time-saving efficiencies and enhanced perks during battle. Players can also capture and enslave enemy invaders by putting them to work in their Jade Mine, where they earn free premium currency.
- Real-time Help: Help friends and fellow ninjas with new social features! Players can build and join ninja alliances to get help in real-time during enemy invasions, complete goals together to earn limited edition items, share troops and help friends speed up progress.
Do you have what it takes to defend your village, protect the Princess and defeat the Evil Shogun? Dojo Mojo is available today in 13 languages to play here on Facebook. For additional information, check out the trailer above, visithttps://www.facebook.com/dojomojogame and follow us on Twitter at @dojomojogame
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