Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Zynga Draws Attention to a One Year Milestone: 100 Million Downloads and 190 Countries Playing

Whew, what a year! Around this time last February a little game named Draw Somethinglaunched on the App Store. Looking back it’s been an incredible year that started out with bang and continues to capture the attention of millions today. Since launch, the game has been downloaded over 100 million times, yes, you heard that right! For context, getting into that club is a just a bit harder than getting backstage at a Jay-Z concert. Thanks to our players, we’ve hit some impressive milestones, we have 190 countries playing together in 13 languages, Little Monsters have racked up a library of over 11 million Lady Gaga drawings and if you added up the total time played across all of our players it’s equivalent to spending 28,000 years drawing. Thanks to all of our players for drawing, guessing and doing it all over again. Check out the below infographic with other mind bending stats below.
Draw Something Infographic_Final

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