Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ice Workshop Upgrade Guide

Let’s upgrade your Ice Workshop for even better items and rewards!

Unlocks for Cities Level 20 and above.

Part 1 - This is Ice Country

Build the Rustic Wing of your Ice Workshop

If you had already built the Ice Workshop, this task will be completed.

Ice Pick, Dry Ice: Post for Help
Winter Gloves, Ice Spray Bottle: Ask Friends
Collect for “Ice Chainsaw” from Icy Buildings

Upgrade the Rustic Wing

Dry Ice, Ice Pick: Post for Help
Ice Spray Bottle, Winter Gloves: Ask Friends
Collect for “Ice Chainsaw” from Icy Buildings

Build Rustic Businesses
The Popsicle Factory and Ice Hotel will be counted in this task.

Blue Ice Pole, Silver Ice Pole, Red Ice Pole, Green Ice Pole, Gold Ice Pole, Black Ice Pole, Ice Shovel: Ask Friends

Complete Part 1

Part 2 - Urban Freeze

Build the Urban Wing of your Ice Workshop
Dry Ice, Ice Pick: Post for Help
Ice Spray Bottle, Winter Gloves: Ask Friends
Collect “Ice Chainsaw” from Icy Buildings

Upgrade the Urban Wing
Dry Ice, Ice Pick: Post for Help
Ice Spray Bottle, Winter Gloves: Ask Friends
Collect “Ice Chainsaw” from Icy Buildings

Have Ice Buildings or Decorations

Blue Ice Pole, Silver Ice Pole, Red Ice Pole, Green Ice Pole, Gold Ice Pole, Black Ice Pole, Ice Shovel:Ask Friends
Collect Ice Tongs, Ice Gloves from Winter Buildings

Complete Part 2

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