Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How do rations work? (Rations FAQ)

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Hey there Pioneer,

While out on the trail, you will depend on rations to perform the actions required to progress. This is going to work a little different than energy does back on the homestead. One thing to keep in mind is, the Trail is not intended to be conquered all that fast! It's a long and treacherous journey to Fort Courage, with plenty of adventure and fun to keep you busy on the way. 

What are Rations?
Rations are the energy source while out on the trail. They are limited and not as easy to come by as energy back on the homestead. Take your time and plan out your actions while on the trail. You can always pop back over to homestead and let your rations fillback up. 

How do I get more Rations?
There are many ways to get rations out on the trail!

1- Rations will refill automatically over time (1 every 5 minutes), so if you run out you can just keep yourself busy on homestead while they fill up.

2- When your crew mates visit your trail, you get +5 rations!

3- They can also be obtained from friends by posting requests to your friends!

4- You can purchase them for Horseshoes from Trader Bart.

When you run out of rations you will see the following pop up-
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How do I use rations in my inventory?
Along the way you may obtain rations and refills that will end up in your wagon inventory. To get to your wagon inventory, click on the Wagon and go into the Inventory. *You can also click on "my stuff" in the bottom right and navigate to your inventory there. Keep in mind, while you're out on the trail, you can't access your inventory from homestead, so the items you need for out on the trail will only go in your inventory. 

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How many rations can I use on the Trail?
How many rations you can use on the trail depends on 2 factors.

1- You can only hold as many rations as you have room for in your wagon. So when you obtain ration's, you will go into your wagon inventory to use them. 

2- The more crew you add, the more rations you get! You start off with a cap of 10 rations. Each crew member you staff, adds  another +5 to your ration cap. So if you staff 1 friend, you'll get a 15 ration max (10+5), if you staff 3, you'll have 25 (10+5+5+5)!

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3- Visiting Friends will give you friends as well, so when your trail mates visit you, you'll get a +5 rations!
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When you get a +1, +5 or +10 Ration (like purchased at Trader Bart's wagon), those will add to your ration count immediately. You will not be able to use more, if you're over your cap!

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