Saturday, February 16, 2013

[Guide & Discussion] Kingdom Clean-Up!

Greetings Kingdom Nobles!

Help Yvette clean up the Kingdom and make more room by using Giovanni’s new space-saving invention!

Quest 1: A Clean Sweep

Help Yvette start cleaning up the Kingdom

Quest Tasks:

  • Place the Tradesman's Tower
  • Tend 3 flowers

Quest Rewards:
  • 1000 Coins
  • 20 XP

Quest 2: Supply and Demand

Get a breath of fresh air by completing the Tradesman's Tower

Quest Tasks
  • Construct the Tradesman's Tower
  • Clear 3 Grass
  • Sell 3 items in your Kingdom

Building the Tradesman's Tower:

Quest Rewards
  • 1750 Coins
  • 35 XP

Quest 3: Using the Tradesman's Tower

Now that the Tradesman's Tower is built, let's start moving some of our Support Buildings

Quest Tasks
  • Have 4 Compost Bins
  • Add 1 Support Building to the Tradesman's Tower
  • Collect from the Tradesman's Tower 1 time

Adding Support Buildings:

Here is the list of Support Buildings that you can add to the Tradesman's Tower. Remember you can store up to 42 Buildings in all

Look out for a pink glow around eligible Support Buildings on your Kingdom

Quest Rewards
  • 1000 Coins
  • 20 XP

Quest 4: Expand and Exploit

Free up your Kingdom by storing more Buildings in Giovanni's new space saving invention

Expand your Tradesman's Tower to 5 empty slots by crafting or getting more keys. Every 3 keys entitles you to a new slot

Use the Collect All Feature to collect all your resources from stored Buildings, by clicking on the Collect All button

Quest Rewards
  • 1750 Coins
  • 35 XP

Quest 5: A Pleasant Picnic

Quest Tasks
  • Have 4 Plaid Blankets
  • Craft 2 Egg Grogs
  • Fish 3 times

Crafting 2 Egg Grogs

Quest Rewards
  • 1750 Coins
  • 35 XP

Quest 6: A Speedy Supply Spell

Collect Supplies faster by using Alastair's new spell on your Tradesman's Tower

Quest Tasks:
  • Cast the Speedy Supply spell on the Tradesman's Tower
  • Expand the Tradesman's Tower to 9 storage slots
  • Use the Collect All feature 1 time

Create the Speedy Supply Spell

Expand to 9 empty slots in the Tradesman’s Tower:

Quest Rewards
  • 1750 Coins
  • 35 XP

Quest 7: A Plethora of Product

Giovanni and Alastair are letting Yvette decide what she would like to do with all the supplies from the Tower

Quest Tasks
  • Sell 1 Parchment
  • Craft 1 Bottle of Champagne
  • Craft 2 Wooden Clubs

Crafting 1 Bottle of Champagne

Crafting 2 Wooden Clubs

Quest Rewards
  • 1750 Coins
  • 35 XP

Quest 8: Maximizing Supply

Upgrade the Tradesman's Tower to store even more buildings and keep the Kingdom clear and pretty

Quest Tasks
  • Expand the Tradesman's Tower to 16 slots
  • Store 4 more Support Buildings
  • Use the Collect All feature 1 time

Expand to 16 empty slots in the Tradesman’s Tower:

Quest Rewards
  • 1750 Coins
  • 35 XP

Quest 9: Breathe the Air!

The Kingdom has never looked better! Celebrate all the beautiful green space the Tradesman's Tower has given us!

Quest Tasks
  • Expand to 24 storage slots
  • Craft 2 Cupcakes
  • Craft 2 Bubbly Grogs

Crafting 2 Cupcakes

Crafting 2 Bubbly Grogs

Expand to 24 empty slots in the Tradesman’s Tower:

Quest Rewards
  • 1750 Coins
  • 35 XP
  • Giovanni's Sculpture

Final Reward:

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