Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Voter Registration Drive FAQ

Voter Registration drive is here!
Get your City Hall crew to help with the campaign for amazing rewards!

  • Earn Prizes, such as coins, XP and Zoning Permits

Summary FAQ
  • Q: What are the prerequisites for this feature?
    A: Have at least one City Hall in your city and be level 15+.
  • Q: I have more than one City Hall, which one gives this mission?
    A: Either the City Hall with the most crew, or the most recently built one.
  • Q: Can I repeat this mission?
    A: No, you can only do it once.
  • Q: Will I still earn a prize if some of my friends don't respond?
    A: There are 3 levels of prizes with increasing requirements for each. If you have recruited enough friends for at least one level before the timer runs out you will receive that prize. Keep in mind that you can also replace friends who do not respond.
  • Q: Do prizes depend on the level of my City Hall?
    A: Yes they do. Higher levels will reward better prizes, but will also require more crew. A level 3 City Hall was used in this guide.
  • Q: If I don't/can't post on my friend's wall will they still be able to help me?
    A: Yes, they will see an icon on the neighbor ladder indicating that you need help.
  • Q: Some of my friends are not responding to requests for help, can I replace them?
    A: Yes, just click on "Replace" across from their name; keep in mind that you will still have to post a request for friends who have accepted your invite.
  • Q: Some of my City Hall crew are Bonus Crew (City Sam), how will that work?
    A: You will have the option of replacing them by sending invites to your friends.
  • Q: Some of my City Hall crew are blank, how can I complete this mission?
    A: You will have the option of replacing them by sending invites to your friends.
  • Q: The option to replace some of the blank crew members is not working for me, why is that?
    A: Please try sending invites through the "All Friends" tab for the time being; you can still select your neighbors from this tab. This is a known issue and it's currently being investigated/repaired.
  • Q: Why don't I have this mission?
    A: If you have tried collecting from your City Hall and still have not received it; we are aware of this issue and are looking into it.

Start your Registration Drive today!

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