Thursday, December 22, 2011

Chat bubbles at the tables? Now we're talking :D

Zynga Poker chat bubbles
Chat bubbles and emoticons have arrived to Zynga Poker. We're making it easier for you to chat with your poker buddies at the table.
Now when you post "NH" for "nice hand" or "TY" for thank you in chat, a bubble will appear next to your profile icon for a couple seconds so that everyone will know the message is from you.
The chat bubbles automatically appear when you type a message into the group chat. If you don't want to see chats appear, you must mute players at the table or not post messages.
Along with chat bubbles, our team has added poker emoticons. Share the universal language of emoticons with your international poker buddies at the table. Here are a few samples:
Zynga Poker emoticonsSmile:     :)
Wink: ;)
Sad face: :(
Discover more emoticons in the chat box. Get chatty at the tables and wish everyone a Happy Holidays.


  1. FU CK YOU REMOVE THE CHAT BUBBLES. It makes the game go slow as fuck

  2. No one cares about the stupid chat bubbles. They FREEZE up the game and knock you off! REMOVE THEM. People can look in the Chat Box if they are interested!


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